Our WW1 Heritage Day proved to be a real success with over 200 visitors viewing the displays. We were provided with new information and material for our researches in preparation for the book we are planning on Skewen and WW1, plus we had many people providing us with oral reminiscences. A big thank you to all who made the day such a success and to all those who attended.
- Secretary Mrs. Kitty Griffiths and Vice President Mr. John Richards waiting to greet visitors when the doors open
- The Mayor, Mr. Hugh James signs the Visitors’ Book
- President Cannon Dr. Brian Lodwick with the Mayor, Mr. Hugh James and Chairperson Virginia Jones
- Chairperson Virginia Jones discusses the displays with Mayor Hugh James
- Chairperson Virginia Jones chats with Councillor Arthur Davies
- Mr. Peter Black AM signs the Visitors’ Book
- Mr. Peter Black AM with Vice President John Richards inspecting the display cabinets’ contents
- Vice President John Richards and Mr. Peter Black AM
- Miss. Joan Gilbert and Mrs. Val Killick looking through the book listing the men of Skewen who served in WW1
- One of the rooms housing the displays
- The display on Skewen servicemen
- Mrs. Ann Harries reviving members of the committee with her tea
- Life Member Mr. Cyril Havard
- Janice Gardner, Margaret Owen and Harriet Eaton ready to record oral reminiscences
- The SS Main and SS Tangistan displays
- Visitors view the displays
- An embroidery from WW1 depicting the flags of the Allies, donated by Mrs. V. Killick
- Mrs. Geraldine Davies of the Park Players arrived in a costume of the WW1 period
- Vice President John Richards and Mrs. Geraldine Davies scrutinise an exhibit
- Mrs. Geraldine Davies chats with a visitor
- Vice Chairman Bill Payne with Janice Gardner and Anne Morgans
- An example from the display items
- Mrs. Anne Davidson serving refreshments
- The photographer from the Evening Post has the tables turned on him
- And this is what the Evening Post photographer saw through his lens
- Virginia Jones, Joan Gilbert, Val Killick and Kitty Griffiths relax before the doors open
- Huw Pudner & Chris entertained those who attended with songs from WW1
- Disp-lay items
- Display items
- Visitors viewing the diaplays
- Visitors viewing the displays
- Mr. S. Burton standing next to his father’s display board and holding the medals won by Cpl. A.O. Burton of the RWF including the Military Medal
- Mrs. Connie Davies, widow of Vice President Dr. D. Prydderch Davies, and Miss. Joan Gilbert
- Mrs. Connie Davies chats with Miss. Joan Gilbert
- A display of WW1 embroidered postcards
- A display of books on WW1
- Anne Morgans, Bill Payne and Janice Gardner viewing the display cases
- Committee members . Lynette Drake, Margaret Owen, Anne Davidson and Kitty Griffiths enjoying a tea break
- Mrs. Lynette Drake makes sure all the committee members get their badges
- Treasurer Lynette Drake and Mrs. Geraldine Davies enjoy chatting about the embroidered postcards
- Two visitors deep in thought over one of the displays
- Jeff Griffiths, Phil Havard and Robert Davies
- Mrs. Margaret Taylor chats with Mrs. Margaret Owen before the next visitor signs in
Thanks to our photographer Ken Jones