The Society has taken part in two recent events in the Waterfront Museum. The first event was “Local History Live” at which several members of the committee represented the Society and “manned” a display of some of the material we have gathered on Skewen and WW1 – see below.
- Vice Chairman Bill Payne and Mrs. Margaret Owen
- Vice Chairman Bill Payne, Mrs. Margaret Owen, Chairperson Virginia Jones, Treasurer Lynette Drake and Miss. Janice Gardner
- Vice Chairman Bill Payne, Mrs. Margaret Owen, Chairperson Virginia Jones, Miss,. Janice Gardner and Treasurer Lynette Drake
The second event was “Cartooning in WW1”. This event proved to be very helpful for the research being undertaken for the Society’s book on Skewen and WW1. Here are some examples of cartoons from the WW1 period.
Thanks to Cardiff University for allowing us to reproduce the cartoons.